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Job Prospects

Taking CELTA is your ticket to the English teaching world, both internationally and in the UK. Whether you are looking for short-term teaching opportunities or making a permanent career change, the CELTA qualification is now required by the majority of reputable colleges and training centres.

Previous CELTA graduates have gone on to work in numerous fields, including language teaching in the UK or overseas, student services, sales and marketing, academic management, examining, materials design and teacher training. If you have a passion for English language teaching and are keen to develop your skills, the opportunities in the field are endless.

During the CELTA course at Basil Paterson, we offer a session dedicated to job hunting and employment opportunities. We work closely with a number of small and large organisations who hire CELTA graduates, so can put you in touch with recruiters. You will also hear inspirational stories from our trainers, who have taught and trained all over the world, giving you a better idea of where the CELTA can lead.

Websites for use in job searches

  • To work in the UK, The Guardian is a good place to start
  • has numerous vacancies in the UK and overseas
  • Dave’s ESL cafe is a popular site for international teaching positions
  • British Council offers roles in the UK or abroad
  • More locally, is a good site for teaching opportunities and resources for continuous professional development
  • For university roles and info, try
  • Find examining and invigilation opportunities with IELTS or Cambridge
  • Finally, there are always publishers!  Macmillan, Pearson, Cengage, to name but a few
  • And don’t forget IATEFL

Course fees include:

  • All course materials and self-study resources
  • IT facilities and WiFi access
  • Individual report at the end of your course
  • Support from dedicated tutors
  • Assurance that course meets Cambridge standards


”I recommend the CELTA course at Basil Paterson. The tutors are pleasant to work with and there are enormous resources to draw upon. The course helped me to gain a deeper insight into pratical teaching. It was a stimulating and rewarding experience.” (Ruozhu, October 2019, China)

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